The Stardock Blog Navigator feature tour – Part IV
September 23rd, 2004 by Adam Najmanowicz | Leave CommentBlogging with Blog Navigator Professional – Creating a blog account
Originally posted on
The third part of the article already available here…
Reading blogs is one thing, and alot of programs allows you to do that with better or worse results. What makes Blog Navigator unique is among other features (like search article monitors, baskets and search blogs) its ability to both read and write blogs.
Let’s setup Blog Navigator Professional to use an account on JoeUser.
There’s not much to show really… I’m not sure it could actually be easier. Let me add my JoeUser account to Blog navigator as a first sample:
Now I have the regular dialog like adding any other feed or folder type where you enter it’s name and various properties. The most insteresing tab that defines my account access info is the “Account” tab.
I entered my username and the password and selected from the “Blog Service” combobox. If you do not have an account on a service you want to use, simply click the “Create your blog own here” link below the combo and Blog Navigator will take you to the blogging service site where you will be able to create one.
Now I press the OK button and… that’s it!
Since I had articles on that account already Blog Navigator retrieved the last 20 posts and now allows me to edit them, delete and add new articles.
Blog Navigator comes with a handful of predefined list of popular blog services you may select from the list where i selecvted in my sample. Alternatively you can setup your own custom blog service. All you need to know (or ask the admin of your site for) is the URL (address) of the so called “RPC-XML end point”. If you do not know what to ask – just point your blog service admin ad this article and he/she will surely know what to give you.
Still most probably it will be your own service setup on your own server – in that case consult the documentation of the web application to obtain the entry point to the XML-RPC API and the API type the application supports.
Let’s setup my Joeuser account the harder way…
I select the “Custom…” blog service from the combo box, which happens to be the defaulty one… but I digress…
I’ve read in the site documentation… well actually I helped designed it, but I digress again … that the api the web site supports is the API (which else!) so I select it from the combo box and…
enter the XML-RPC end point I obtained from my admin – Pat. (actually we’ve came up with that address while designing the XML-RPC API, but let’s pretend I had to go through the pain of asking Pat for it :) ).
actually now I’m left with two Blogging accounts pointing to one account in a service – not very practical… but hey! It’s possible and Blog Navigator can handle it just fine, so why not.
Actually I can delete the other one – deleting an account does not delete it on server. That’s actually different than deleting your posts – Blog Navigator will also delete them on server. It will however inform you and make sure you are aware of the consequences and that this is what you really want to do.
In the next part I’ll show you how to write an article to our newly added account.